What is Gritty Genius? (6 min podcast)

Dr. P is getting back to the bricks of what “Gritty Genius” podcast is about. It’s about using what you’ve gone through to refine and cultivate your own “personal genius,” and manifest it this world. It’s about keeping it real and sharing what we have gone through to help other realize this is process apart of developing their life path and passions.

Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals…the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles.” + “Genius is an exceptional talent or skill, something above and beyond the norm.” YOU HAVE GRIT and YOU ARE GENIUS! Own it!

Published by

Dr. Gloria Petruzzelli

Dr. Petruzzelli is a clinical & sport psychologist, triathlete, and certified mindfulness meditation teacher in Sacramento, California.

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